Liberation of the People:
The Pathology of Power

We, the people, are in the majority:
we are the 99%

of Keppe's most timely book (in English)


‘We, the people, are in the majority; we are 99%, controlled in a sick manner by 1%. We are the strength and true power (divine) on this earth.”

From Liberation of the People: The Pathology of Power, page 24,
Norberto R. Keppe, New York, 1986’

Analyzing the 1% TV program - nr.5

Market Economy and Real Economy



  • This video provides great fodder, or real food for thought to get someone thinking about going into business for themselves. I also have always loved the co-operative concept where everyone who works for the company is a business owner, etc. This is the new way, the true way~ the wave of prosperity for the future will sing an ode to freedom through our cooperative and egalitarian efforts. It will be the end of slavery, the end of the 1 versus the 99 percent! This is the time prophesied when the weak will rise and the oppressors shall fall. The psychopathy is being revealed and it sounds like this book tells us how to overcome this dark ME ME ME force and infuse our lives and the lives of others with US US US! We shall be the 100 percent one day, all ONE rest assured with the help of the creative thoughts in this book, liberating religious organizations that aim to unify like the Bahai, The SGI, and the SRF, and other enlightened thinkers of our day.
    Devai Pearce
    Actress - USA

‘“We, the people, are in the majority; we are 99%, controlled in a sick manner by 1%. We are the strength and true power (divine) on this earth.”

From Liberation of the People: The Pathology of Power, page 24, Norberto R. Keppe, New York, 1986